Indata-opsbyDataKitchenCAOs and CDOs: Earn the Trust of your CEOOne of the greatest challenges in analytics is earning the trust of your organization’s CEO and management team. A lot of people in the…Oct 6, 2017Oct 6, 2017
Indata-opsbyDataKitchenDisband Your Impact Review Board: Automate Analytics TestingSome companies take six months to write 20 lines of SQL and move it into production.Sep 18, 2018Sep 18, 2018
Indata-opsbyDataKitchenHow Data Analytics Professionals Can Sleep BetterSeven Steps to Implementing DataOps: Step 1 — Add Data and Logic TestsMar 21, 2017Mar 21, 2017
Indata-opsbyDataKitchenHow to Enable Your Data Analytics Team to Work in ParallelSeven Steps to Implementing DataOps: Step 3 — Branch and MergeApr 5, 2017Apr 5, 2017
Indata-opsbyDataKitchenBuild Trust Through Test Automation and Monitoring“Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.”Sep 6, 2018Sep 6, 2018